
VMWare remote syslog bug with timestamp in multiline messages

Seems like there is a bug in at least build and build of VMWare 5.5 regarding timestamp in syslog messages sent to remote syslog servers

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Redirecting hits for autodiscover file on main www page with a NetScaler policy

Recently I had a customer request a policy that redirects the outlook autodiscover requests away from the normal www.example.com webservers so that their logs are not flooded with errors, over to the domain autodisover.example.com

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Installing Oracle VM Manager 3.3.1 on Oracle Linux 6

This will be a quick guide on how to install Oracle VM Manager on an Oracle Linux 6 server

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Installing Oracle VM Server 3.3.1

This will be a quick guide on how to install Oracle VM Server 3.3.1

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Installing puppet agent on Oracle VM Server 3.3.1

This guide will show you how to install puppet agent on an Oracle VM 3.3.1 server

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NetScaler rewrite policy to force all cookies to be secure and httponly

Example of a rewrite rule on NetScaler to rewrite all cookies to be secure and httponly

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Using 3rd party generated certificate and private key on EM12c

This will show you how to use an existing certificate and private key and use it on the Cloud Control 12c web console

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Error 'Invalid server certificate' when opening EM12c in Chrome after upgrade to MacOS X Mavericks

Seems like there is some issues with certificates signed with MD5 algorithm after upgrading my MacOS X to Mavericks. Strange ting is that it is only in Chrome as Safari seems to work fine

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